When looking for the cheapest web hosting plans, it is vital to know that although you may find many tempting deals, cheapest can sometimes mean poor quality - use the following points to guide you to find the cheapest web hosting deals, whilst staying away from troublesome companies:
- Testing: Test your potential service providers support service by emailing them with a question you already know the answer to; make sure the question is complex enough, that they have to struggle a little, just to see how willing they are to help you.
- Reviews: Join hosting forums and state your web requirements to fellow members and ask for help in finding the best deal for you. You most likely wont find the ideal deal here, but this will iron out the troublesome companies.
- Hosting plans: When looking at the hosting plans, if it sounds too good to be true; make sure to read the small print. If hosting says "unlimited web hosting" - ask what the limits are, and find out with experts in forums to see how reasonable this is - and compare with other cheap web hosting companies.
- Verify-able Reviews: Don't read review sites when looking for company reviews; review sites earn commissions (no matter what they say); and hundreds of positive reviews can also easily be faked. Look for reviews and testimonials that can be verified.
How do can you verify a review or testimonial?
Simple; make sure the review or testimonial is from a well-known business owner, or a Twitter/Facebook account (as they can be authenticated, and fake accounts are easy to spot).
- Testing: Test your potential service providers support service by emailing them with a question you already know the answer to; make sure the question is complex enough, that they have to struggle a little, just to see how willing they are to help you.
- Reviews: Join hosting forums and state your web requirements to fellow members and ask for help in finding the best deal for you. You most likely wont find the ideal deal here, but this will iron out the troublesome companies.
- Hosting plans: When looking at the hosting plans, if it sounds too good to be true; make sure to read the small print. If hosting says "unlimited web hosting" - ask what the limits are, and find out with experts in forums to see how reasonable this is - and compare with other cheap web hosting companies.
- Verify-able Reviews: Don't read review sites when looking for company reviews; review sites earn commissions (no matter what they say); and hundreds of positive reviews can also easily be faked. Look for reviews and testimonials that can be verified.
How do can you verify a review or testimonial?
Simple; make sure the review or testimonial is from a well-known business owner, or a Twitter/Facebook account (as they can be authenticated, and fake accounts are easy to spot).