If you are looking for a good web host and you have no idea about web hosting, I suggest you don't find it using a search engine. Type in 'cheap web host' or 'good web hosting' into Google and see how many hits you'll get. Nowadays, there's an abundance of web hosts giving out supposedly cheap deals and promotions.
So, how do you choose good web hosting? The only way, in this writer's humble opinion, to weed out web hosts with terrible service and performance, is to find good reviews. Reviews are, by far the only way to ensure that the service given by any web host lives up to their advertisements. But, this also begs you to answer another question. Can web hosting reviews be trusted?
The answer to that, in most cases, is no. Web hosts reviews are usually done by the company themselves, masquerading as another website. In other cases, the articles were done by writers who receive a huge sum of money when they write a sterling review on the host.
So, how do you find reviews that can be trusted? When looking for reviews on the internet, try to find a website that does reviews on all web hosts, instead of a specific one. For example, type in 'web host review' or 'review for web hosting' instead of "XXY web hosting review". This will decrease the chances of you entering a site where the reviews are biased towards to company.
But even then, you have to be careful. Although a review website might seem write reviews on many web hosts, all those hosts could just be a product of the same company. Find out as much as you can about the product before you read the review. Knowing the company will help you avoid dodgy review websites.
Another way to ascertain the excellence of a web hosting service is to join forums. Find a neutral third-party forum where the posts are more than just about web hosting. Sign up and post questions about where to find a good web host. Post new threads with titles such as 'Can web host reviews be trusted?' or 'Where can I find an unbiased review website?'
If you receive replies to you post, read them carefully. If they are too worded and unnatural, do not trust them. You should look for posts from long-time users who have also posted on other topics. A normal user should have non-formal language, abbreviations and grammatical mistakes in his post.
There are also advantages in trusting a web host review. These reviews can really help you choose a first-class web host. You shouldn't find hosts which offer you the cheapest deals, but find those who give the best service that fits your budget. Do not just read one review, but several from different websites on the same host.
So, the next time you find a review on web hosts, ask yourself this question, "Can web host reviews be trusted?.
So, how do you choose good web hosting? The only way, in this writer's humble opinion, to weed out web hosts with terrible service and performance, is to find good reviews. Reviews are, by far the only way to ensure that the service given by any web host lives up to their advertisements. But, this also begs you to answer another question. Can web hosting reviews be trusted?
The answer to that, in most cases, is no. Web hosts reviews are usually done by the company themselves, masquerading as another website. In other cases, the articles were done by writers who receive a huge sum of money when they write a sterling review on the host.
So, how do you find reviews that can be trusted? When looking for reviews on the internet, try to find a website that does reviews on all web hosts, instead of a specific one. For example, type in 'web host review' or 'review for web hosting' instead of "XXY web hosting review". This will decrease the chances of you entering a site where the reviews are biased towards to company.
But even then, you have to be careful. Although a review website might seem write reviews on many web hosts, all those hosts could just be a product of the same company. Find out as much as you can about the product before you read the review. Knowing the company will help you avoid dodgy review websites.
Another way to ascertain the excellence of a web hosting service is to join forums. Find a neutral third-party forum where the posts are more than just about web hosting. Sign up and post questions about where to find a good web host. Post new threads with titles such as 'Can web host reviews be trusted?' or 'Where can I find an unbiased review website?'
If you receive replies to you post, read them carefully. If they are too worded and unnatural, do not trust them. You should look for posts from long-time users who have also posted on other topics. A normal user should have non-formal language, abbreviations and grammatical mistakes in his post.
There are also advantages in trusting a web host review. These reviews can really help you choose a first-class web host. You shouldn't find hosts which offer you the cheapest deals, but find those who give the best service that fits your budget. Do not just read one review, but several from different websites on the same host.
So, the next time you find a review on web hosts, ask yourself this question, "Can web host reviews be trusted?.